Videos zur Verfügung gestellt durch SwissSkills Career


Chancen der Berufslehre: Murats Weg zum Sozialarbeiter

Chancen der Berufslehre: Annas Weg zur Software-Entwicklerin

Chancen der Berufslehre: Dominiks Weg vom Baupraktiker zum Baustellen-Manager

Chancen der Berufslehre: Jans Weg zum Spitzenkoch

Chancen der Berufslehre: Emilies Weg zur Selbstständigkeit

Chancen der Berufslehre: Anniks Weg zur Goldschmiedin

Chancen der Berufslehre: Noemis Weg zur Polizistin

Chancen der Berufslehre: Miriams Weg zur Anwältin

Chancen der Berufslehre: Xenias Weg zur Auto-Entwicklerin

Chancen der Berufslehre: Simons Weg zum Marketingfachmann

Chancen der Berufslehre: Karls Weg zum Chemielehrer

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Pascal's Road to Becoming a Building Technician

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Carl's Road to Becoming a Chemistry Teacher

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Simon's Road to Becoming a Marketing Specialist

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Xenia's Road to Becoming an Automotive Developer

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Miriam's Road to Becoming a Lawyer

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Noemi's Road to Becoming a Police Officer

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Dominic's Road to Becoming a Construction Site Manager

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Anna's Road to Becoming a Software Developer

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Murat's Road to Becoming a Social Worker

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Annik's Road to Becoming a Jeweller

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Emilie's Road to Going Freelance

Opportunities of Vocational Education: Jan's Road to Becoming a Top Chef