You are important to companies

Invent the future with apprentices

Every year, more than 400 children from the 3rd to 6th classes at primary school attend the holiday pass offers and MINT camps run by EMS-CHEMIE AG, during which they can experiment, create their own parts and discover a passion for natural science and technology. In 2016, Emsorama was opened in Domat/Ems – the first science centre in the Canton of Grisons Another pioneering project – Emsorama Mobil – was launched in 2019 to bring the MINT experiments to the remote mountain valleys of Grisons.

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Developing talents in the long run

During an apprenticeship, the vocational trainers ensure that the young trainees gain professional experience and social skills. After their apprenticeship, graduates enjoy exciting opportunities for further development at every level. The best graduates can enter a programme during which they work part time, attend a university of applied sciences and can complete a linguistic stay abroad.

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AMAG apprentices lick an old VW bus into shape

Entirely in line with the motto “by apprentices for apprentices”, six trainee automotive mechatronics engineers, car body metalworkers car body painters from AMAG Kloten have licked an old VW bus back into shape. They largely worked on the VW bus on their own while naturally benefiting from the knowledge of their experienced colleagues.

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Full speed ahead

For 75 years, Stadler has built railway vehicles and is currently training more than 100 apprentices in Switzerland alone. Maybe your dream job is with them?
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An apprenticeship with the Swatch Group

The subsidiaries of the Swatch Group train about 460 apprentices in a wide range of professions.

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A career with Coop

Retail trade specialist or system catering specialist – Coop offers you a wide variety of apprenticeships. You can choose from over 20 different professions.

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DigiLab – a digital playground

Learning in real conditions is the guiding principle of a digital laboratory developed by Schindler Vocational Training. DigiLab is the very heart of an integrated digital training vision. The “Training digitisation” project launched by Schindler Vocational Training is designed to provide sustainable, modern and digital training. The real learning content makes for efficient training and continuing education.

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Staying health during apprenticeships

Young people are the future of the Swiss economy. Almost two-thirds of them complete an apprenticeship in one of 230 professions. Vocational training officers accompanying young people in their companies also play a key role. That is why Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz wants to support them in their role by providing easy access to valid information concerning the mental health of young people in companies.

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From the trainee programme to the CEO’s office

This year, all six trainees at Helvetia moved into permanent positions. From this summer, two of them will be strategic assistants to our CEO Switzerland, Martin Jara, and the chairperson of our Executive Committee, Philipp Gmür. As one of the two trainees, Christof Reichmuth shares his impressions of this move with us. 

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Your training at Valiant – we provide you with targeted support.

Our little extra: The “lila fit” programme
“lila fit” is our own training programme for apprentices and trainees. It begins on day one with a common project week for all new talents. During your training, you will attend up to 16 specific courses. They help you to put the theoretical elements of your training into practice. You acquire exciting experience in project management and play an active role in the event team for trainees or during information events and selection days. We get you in shape. And your are perfectly prepared when it’s time for the final examination.

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Investment in the next generation: We train you!

Victorinox employs up to 55 apprentices in technical, commercial and manual areas with the possibility of acquiring the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate. As the company has developed, the number of job profiles trained at Victorinox has also increased: While 25 years ago there were only three training possibilities, Victorinox is about to start training in job profiles eight, nine and ten.

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